Degree: MSW
Bio: Amy is a licensed clinical social worker specializing in perinatal and maternal mental health. She provides individual, couples, and group counseling to women and their partners facing the challenges of growing a family, as well as seeking to resolve trauma, addiction, and relational issues.
Clinical Appointments/Hospital Affiliation: Private Practice
Description Practice Services: Short-term treatment focused on symptom reduction and longer term exploration of trauma, addiction, and relational patterns available, depending on the needs and preferences of the client/s.
Virtual groups: Free, weekly, facilitated support group, Out of the Blue, complements, but does not replace therapy. The Out of the Blue support group is now online! We host a 1-hour call over zoom on Wednesday mornings from 10-11. To register, please email
Professional Education: Masters in Social Work
Credentials/Board Certification: Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Office Address: 100 W. Station Square Drive Suite 205
Office Location: South Side
Web Site:
Appointment Scheduling: 412-532-6622
Office Hours: Individual and couples sessions: weekday and evening hours available by appointment only.
Free, drop-in facilitated community support group, Out of the Blue, Wednesdays 1-3, at the Lawrenceville Family Care Connection: 5235 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, 15201
Insurances Accepted UPMC commercial plans, Highmark, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United
Accept Medicare/Medicaid? No